Lulu Cookbooks: The Perfect Recipe this Holiday Season

Lulu Cookbooks: The Perfect Recipe this Holiday Season

By Paul@Lulu / November 12, 2018

In case you haven’t noticed, it’s November. And that means a lot of things. Election day and daylight savings time are around the corner. Right behind them comes the holiday season.

Are you ready for the long lines at retail stores? For finding the right types of gifts for everyone on your shopping list? Clicking through endless comparisons while online shopping?

Well, if you read the Lulu Blog, you know we’ve been doing our best to help you out with our Holiday Gift Guide, the perfect way to find books and calendars for everyone on your holiday shopping list.

Today I’ve got something a little different.

We’re going to cook up the perfect holiday cookbook! And if you think that cooking pun was bad, well have I got something in store for you…

Make Your Own Cookbook

Creating your own cookbook is easy; much easier than you think. With this quick and easy recipe, along with our templates and guide, you’ll have a cookbook whipped up and in the ‘oven’ in no time.

Unlike the many recipes you find online, our recipe for a holiday cookbook is just the ingredients and instructions, along with a little encouragement to spice it up. I’m not a fan of scrolling through someone’s life story just to find out what temperature to cook tamales at, are you?

We’ve got the recipe for success(fully creating a Cookbook):

Take about 20 parts family recipes

The final count is up to you. Remember that you’ll want to allow at least 2 pages for each recipe. Most likely one page with the picture of the finished meal and maybe a nice little backstory. Then another page or more with the ingredients and instructions. Flavor to taste with a variety of family favorites, being sure to either stick to a theme (The Smith Family Breakfast Extravaganza) or provide a nice balance of recipes - 5 appetizers, 8 main courses, 10 sides, 4 deserts, etc..

One super important rule: if this cookbook is going to be a gift for family members, make sure you get all the important family recipes in there. You do not want to face a family dinner after forgetting to put your Aunt’s famous souffle in the family cookbook. Trust me, it won’t be pretty.

Add a generous helping of images

Everyone knows their Grandmother’s apple pie is the best apple pie. Don’t even try to argue with me on this one.

But wouldn’t it be even more awesome if the cookbook immortalizing Grandma’s recipe had a picture of the finished product? Preferably before everyone dives into it. Or even better; you could get a picture of Grandma herself slicing apples or displaying the pie, hot and steaming out of the oven. Give your Gram a shout out. She deserves it.

Doesn’t that sound delicious?

If you’ve got the camera and the time, two pictures for every recipe is a great idea. This is more than just a list of ingredients here, you’re making a family keepsake!

Mix vigorously

You got those recipes - probably a combination of handwritten on yellowing paper and email or text messages from your tech savvier family members. And you’ve got pictures of various recipes and family members. Now you just have to fire up the Kitchen Aid™ mixer and blend it all to perfection.

Wait. No. Don’t do that.

My recipe metaphor is getting a bit strained. Do not - I repeat do not - put your Grandma’s Apple Pie recipe into a blender.

What you should do is type up the recipe using a template. You can find numerous templates online, or use a tool like Canva to design your own

Be sure to clarify any confusing steps. Like when you Mom writes something like “add enough nutmeg” you might want to put a real measurement in there. You want your recipes to give plain instructions in easy to follow language.

Pro tip: Once you have your recipe written out, read your instructions and try and make it! You’ll know right away if you missed a step.

Take a minute to get all the digital images together too. Resize them to fit the page. Ideally, each recipe will have an image of the dish and those should be the same dimensions. Get the resolution standardized to (300dpi - which means dots per inch). We really want to be able to see the texture of your Mom’s mashed potatoes.

Pour mixed ingredients into a well-greased baking tin

I know, the metaphor is falling apart.

But this is the step where we put it all together!

You’ve got lots of options to use here. You can go with Photoshop or InDesign and layout the book that way too. If you’ve got the skill and time, getting into InDesign will let you make a more unique and interesting cookbook.

And if you’re a novice, that Lulu Template is a great way to get the key pieces in place using MS Word.

Take care when laying out your book to put the pictures in natural locations. Unless there’s a really good reason (say an inside joke?) don’t include the picture of your Dad’s Meatloaf with the recipe for your sister’s sugar cookies.

Bake at 450° for ...okay don’t bake your book

This is getting silly.

Please do not cook the interior file you’re creating. I’m not even sure how you would go about doing that. But don’t. Just don’t.

Finally, garnish with a simple cover

The cover is best served with a family photo on a plain background. Maybe you can list the recipes on the back. But it’s not too important. That front cover is the centerpiece.

Lulu’s cover tools allow you to easily design a basic cover online without a hassle.

The Finishing Touches

Maybe this all seems a little overwhelming? Take a step back and remember that a holiday cookbook is a personal gift. Something you can share with your loved ones. It comes from the heart and that makes giving one that much more fun. Don’t stress about perfect formatting or making the best cover ever.

If you need some inspiration, have a look at our Cookbooks page.

Just getting these recipes together and compiling them is an award winning idea. Your extended family and even friends will love receiving something that reminds them of the meals you’ve shared.

Next time your Mom wants a recipe, don’t let her waste time scrolling through the beautiful rabbit hole that is Pinterest. Instead, take that opportunity to remind her why you’re the favorite child as she flips through the masterpiece you created just for her. Because you’re awesome.

Hoping to make a cookbook that’s too good to keep in the family? Check out this article from our friends over at Booklife for tips on how to serve up a self-published cookbook with all the trimmings!

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